
Mad at Mom Monday

Good evening, friends!  My new pal Spitty  just mentioned to Tucker that one of the differences between dogs and cats is that dogs will stay still for their closeups.  True, Spitty, true, and you are wise beyond even your nine lives.

In this evening's post, I'd like to offer up yet another difference ... that being that if you're a dog and your mom leaves you for the weekend, you generally forgive and forget almost immediately.  Whereas, if you're a cat, and your mom comes home and wants to hug and kiss you, you can simply climb to the top of the kitchen cabinets where you are not allowed to be...

look down with a smug expression on your face ... and refuse to move. 

I think that'll teach her.


houndstooth said...

Oh yeah! You've taught her a lesson she'll never forget!


Old Kitty said...

Awww me and Charlie hope you won't stay too mad at your lovely mum!! Hopefully she'll have extra treats for you!! :-) Take care

The Daily Pip said...

That will teach her!

Your pal, Pip

Kristine said...

It's so true. It is ten times easier to get a photo of the dog than it is of the cat. With the cat someone has to be there to catch him in case he decides to bolt.

Kristin G. said...

That's so true. Everything will be back to normal soon though. :)

Gigi said...

Yes! You will teach her that way! Me, I am trying to teach her by hiding under the bed where she cannot even SEE me and worries what is wrong with me! HA HA HA!
Also, please do not think that saying the doggies stay still for their close-ups was a compliment or anything--it just shows that while doggies need to please the Humans, we kittehs have our dignity and independence!