
Lights! Camera! Action!

Well, we made it!  It's officially mid-week, and that's great!  I can't wait for this weekend!  I don't know what Mom has planned, but as for me, I'd like to hit the dog park, maybe go out for lunch, or do some pub crawling in honor of St. Patrick's day.  (I don't drink at all, but Mom does, though she tries not to "crawl" during the work week!)

Now, in other news ... I arrived to work with Mom today and imagine my surprise ... we have a new employee!  I'm not sure how much he's getting paid (and he looks awfully young to be working full-time, if you ask me), but his name is Baby B., and he is now coming to work most days with his mom, K., who works here with Mom.  So - I have a new co-worker.  Here's a short video Mom took of us playing together today. 

I think we'll be good friends! 

Have a great rest of your day everyone!


fromsophiesview said...

No video...aaaah!!!

Old Kitty said...

Baby B is ADORABLE!!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Wonderful Tucker - you are a good mentor to this sweetie!! What a cutie!!! He's adorable!!! Awwwwww!! Yay Baby B and Tucker! Take care

The Daily Pip said...

Your new friend is SOOOOOO CUTE!!! Thanks for the smiles and thanks also for your good wishes for Sweet Pea.

Your pal, Pip

houndstooth said...

I don't think that much cuteness is allowed by law!


P.S. The video is fine for us!

Sue said...

What an adorable video. You are playing very nicely with your new friend, he's lucky to have you.

Thank you for the Portuguese birthday song for Samba. Our Mom has copied the words so she can memorize them.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties