
Maybe You Didn't Know Monday

Hi, everyone ... it's me, Tucker!  And since Mom is still a bit MIA and still hasn't gotten a post together announcing the winner of the raffle for those kind people who participated in little Scout's Chip In, I thought I would share with you something you didn't know about me.  Specifically ... I love sporting events ... particularly those that are dog friendly!  And recently Mom took me to a polo match that I especially enjoyed. 
Me, spectating.  On my Aunt M.'s lap (she is camera-shy).  It kind of looks like she is trying to hold me back ... but that is not it at all.  It was cold that day and she was hugging me to her for warmth.  Plus, I know better than to run after those horses ... they are way too big to play with! Even bigger than that Great Dane at the dog park! 

Some polo action ... 

The horses run really fast! 

I personally don't understand the game that well.  I thought checkers was a board game - but apparently in polo it means something else?

Anyway - it was a fun day and afterwards we ate barbecue!  YUM!


Old Kitty said...

Oh lovely Tucker!! Yay for watching "the sport of kings"!! Looks like you all had a great, if cold, day!

Take care

Ivan from WMD said...

Tucker, you sure are brave. I think those giant horses would scare me!

CATachresis said...

Oooh! Our royals play that game! You need a big board, Tucker!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh no, Tucker, we don't think you want to run with those Big Dogs. And isn't your Aunt just so sweet to try to keep you warm. Awesome photo too:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

tubby3pug said...

Ive alwasy thought polo was a great sport, one of the only sports I am interested in. Its great you got to see the game

Gigi said...

Polo? Where the heck do you live Tucker?? Was Prince Charles there? Oh, wait--I guess he's prolly way too old to play polo now, right? Ha ha meow!

I think you look chilly! It's a good thing you hadded your own snuggler.

haopee said...

Polo? Yes, I'm also curious where you live at.

Did you know one of the riders? Were you able to approach a horse?

Huggies and Cheese,


bichonpawz said...

We don't know anything about polo either, but we do know about barbecue. You cannot go wrong with barbecue!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Tucker The Crestie said...

Hi, everybody - MP here! Yes, I actually know one of the players. He is a colleague of mine who at one point played professional polo and this was a friendly match held about 30 minutes away from where we live at the farm of an Argentinian guy who is also a former player. I grew up riding horses and did a little showing of hunter/jumpers as a teen, so I love horses and any opportunity to be outside on a beautiful day watching any type of equine sport is pretty much my idea of heaven. With the added bonus of some really fantastic barbecue after the match had ended, I had a VERY good time, and Tucker did as well!

Sagira said...

Well, this is my first time reading about Polo that looks very interesting to see live. :)