
If I had a nickel ...

If I had a nickel for every time someone told me "I wish I was one of your dogs!" I would be ... well, I would not be rich, because, let's face it, a nickel doesn't buy much these days.  But ... let's just say my purse would be a lot heavier than it is.

And today I'd gladly add my own nickel, because while the dogs are tired out from the weekend, THEY are permitted, even, sometimes, encouraged, to nap at work.

I, sadly, am not.  

Hope everyone had a great weekend! 


tubby3pug said...

Well I wish I was one of your dogs too, so you can add my nickel to your fantasy bag

urban hounds

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Phoebe and lovely Tucker work so hard, they must nap!! Yay!!

It's been so proven - bringing your doggies to work relieves stress and is great for morale!! And because they're so darned adorable too! Yay! Take care

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hey...going to work is really HARD WORK! BOL

Oui Oui said...

The thought of work makes us want to nap!

The Daily Pip said...

Napping at work - now that is the good life!

Your pal, Pip

Gigi said...

I think work would be much improved if the Human gotted to nap for an hour or so inna afturnoonz. Dey would be soooooo much more pleasant to deal with, don't you think?

bichonpawz said...

Sigh...if only there was a way to Nap in the middle of work!!

Remington said...

So sweet! Love the pic!