
Working like a dog ...

Hi, everybody - it's me, Tucker!

Keeping watch out the glass front door of the office to make sure all is as it should be.
And as you can see, I'm ON THE JOB!  It's been a busy morning so far.  Emails to answer, conference calls to listen in on, people to watch, UPS men to meet and greet.   It's not easy being a working dog, but I am up to the task!

But right now ... I think I'll catch a quick power nap ...

ZZZ ......

And then when I wake up ... it'll be lunchtime!  Wonder what's on the menu today?

Have a good one everybody!


Old Kitty said...

Beautiful Tucker!! You need your power napping after such a great day working!! Good for you! Sweet dreams! Take care

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I'd say you have the right idea!! Do an hour of work, sleep, eat, then one more hour of work and sleep again! :)