
Man-Cat Monday with Finn

Happy Monday, everyone!  It's me, Finn!

I know, two posts in a row!  And as for how I managed that ... it's pretty simple.  I'm the baby, and that's how I roll.  BWHAAAHAA!

This weekend was great ... I just kicked back, relaxed, and occasionally contemplated the 
meaning of life.  Here's what I decided:  contemplation is best accomplished in front of a sunny window.  The contemplation  process is much enhanced by one's belly furs being toasty warm.  

What did everyone else do this weekend?


Unknown said...

We spent the whole weekend avoiding the rain.
Best wishes Molly

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

And we spent the weekend trying to avoid the super toasty warm sun. But we have a break finally, so we have spent a lot of time outside this morning.

Very sweet pic, Finn.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Old Kitty said...

Awww fantastic Finn! You are wise and wonderful! Take care

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Wise little one, you are learning well. Perhaps someday you will master the can opener....
I gotted my pizza this weekend. And my chicken. And I was soooo spoiled.
You must learn more, little one. The rewards are great.

tubby3pug said...

...and what a cute baby you are. We know how it is, Weasley has been dominating posts here of late

urban houns

CATachresis said...

Much the same, Finn. Much the same!!

Sagira said...

We were outside at a disc dog event all weekend. Phew...it was hot.

You look all nice and comfy though. :)

Ivan from WMD said...

Handsome shot of you, Finn!

We did ZIP this weekend and we're proud of it!

The Island Cats said...

We finally got some cooler weather yesterday so we spent the day getting some window whiffies in!!

Two Pitties in the City said...

It was so hot, I know our pooches would have loved to just lay around. Though they did get the chance to meet many people at the streetfest too.