Hi, everyone ... it's me, Tucker. And unlike my lazy sister (see yesterday's post), I am alert, attentive, and ready for action! Phoebe is looking a little more lively today, too ... just look at her tail!
Hope everyone else's week is going ok ... as for us, we're keeping a wary eye on Tropical Storm Emily. Looks like she won't come to visit us here in Tampa, but we know there are other people who will be impacted by her path, and we are crossing our paws that everyone will be ok. And Mom was scurrying around last night double checking our evacuation kit in case another storm should decide to come our way. (We hope not!)
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Ha ha - you CAN'T see her tail ... she's got RTS again! (And mine is hiding!) |
I think Mom will be blogging later about hurricane preparedness ... something she takes pretty seriously, especially since she has five of us to look after. So we're wondering ... for those of you who live in states affected by hurricanes (or other natural disasters) ... what do your humans do to prepare for them?
Hi Tucker - I'm so glad you're in a playful mood today! I was thinking about you last night after reading your sis' post!
Me and Charlie hope that you won't be affected by the other storms but it's always good to be prepared! Please take extra care and be safe! Hello lovely Tucker and adorable Phoebe! x
What a cute pic of you and Phoebe - nice snuggling:)
Hope all this season's hurricanes stay away from you and all our blogging furiends. With the way Mother Nature has been acting, it could be a wild season. Take care and stay safe.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
everyone should prepare for any sort of disaster and I am embarrassed to say that I don't have a kit, I need to, but I don't. I am looking forward to your post about this most important issue
Stay safe from the storm!!
Amy, Swift, and Kool
You are so cute (and very alert too)! Mom has emergency kit, and carriers for our kitties. Hope we never need them (paws crossed).
When my mom and old bro Eddie and old sis Sophie lived on the coast, they were prepared for hurricanes. They got a tropical storm once (1996). (My mom was actually born right in the middle of two hurricanes!)
Mom's always had an emergency kit and plan but realized with some horror during our recent terrible fires that it would be a trick and a half trying to get the five of us to safety without the use of Velcro or Crazy Glue. Isn't she silly?
Stay safe!
you are so adorable..every time mommy and I see you (both) we smile!
The big thing we have to worry about here is tornadoes. We keep old dog beds, water and food in the basement, and we have a TV and weather radio down there. We know that if we have to go down there, we have to grab a baby gate, carry Lilac down and get the other three to come down there. There have been enough drills that it works pretty well for us.
We don't have hurricanes up here. They sound very scary. Please stay safe!
Your pal, Pip
Oh Tucker! What a good topic. After the '89 earthquake, the Human had a great Earthquake Preparedness Kit all ready to go. Well, of course years have made her complacent....all the contents got used up, and now? We gots nuthin'!!! I think she needs to get a move on! Thanks for the reminder.
ooooh we do hope you stay safe from any of these bad storms. Thankfully we don't have these awful storms to worry about but we dread hearing about them overseas. That's a great photo of you there, like the Elvis lip curl going on ;-) Dex and Lou xxx
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